Our "Behind the Story" series highlights Neolth's Student Content Creators, all of whom bravely share their lived experiences with mental health to break down stigma and help their peers feel less alone.

Meet the Content Creators: Alex
Meet Alex, a recent graduate from the University of Arizona! She is a content creator at Neolth, creating a video and blog series about her experience coping with anxiety. Although she has spent the last four years living in Tucson, Arizona attending the University of Arizona, she was born in California. Back in California after her graduation, she loves to spend time with her three dogs, two male labs named Koda and Charlie, and one female bulldog named Maya.
Alex’s Neolth Series
As a content creator, Alex’s Neolth series is centered around a variety of topics regarding anxiety, including her life with agoraphobia. According to the ADAA, Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) affects 6.8 million adults, and 31.9% of adolescents between 13 and 18 years old. Especially with the increase in social media use, teens are suffering from anxiety now more than ever. In her first video, she shared about her own journey with anxiety. She talks about the symptoms she experienced, how she reached out for support, and how she worked on fighting through the anxiety. She emphasizes how when you change the way you think, you change the way you feel. She continues to share her journey in her upcoming videos and blogs, as well as sharing tips, techniques, and personal experiences that have helped her make strides in combating anxiety.
Why Create This Series?
Alex decided to create this series for a very powerful reason: to share her story to help others overcome anxiety. The severity of her anxiety took complete control of her life, she even described herself as a “prisoner” to it. Everything she loved and valued was swallowed up by her anxiety, making her world so small. Although her journey is not quite over yet in fighting anxiety, she has decided to take her life back, and she hopes to inspire others to do the same.
Main Takeaways
“There are a few takeaways I hope that viewers gain from my series,” says Alex. The first takeaway she hopes for people to take away is that you are not alone in your mental health journey. When dealing with a mental illness, it can make you feel isolated and alone. However, connection is one of the best ways to heal. Whether that is in person or virtually in Alex’s case, being able to relate to someone else is a great resource. Another takeaway she hopes for her viewers to gain is to not be afraid to ask for help. Asking for help shows strength, not weakness, as many may believe. She hopes that through her story, she can inspire others to find strength within themselves, and to understand their capability to take back control of their life. “Even if my story resonates with only one person, then I feel like my job is complete.”
Alex's series will premiere throughout October and November of 2023 on the Neolth app.

Neolth is a digital stress and mental health support program for students and educators. We’re on a mission to help you stress less, build resilience, and become a part of our compassionate community. Our app helps you when you’re feeling overwhelmed with self-guided content, personalized for your mental health journey. Neolth has a growing community of Student Ambassadors from 170 schools and works with schools to improve access to mental health support for their students and teachers alike. You can learn more at neolth.com or join our Ambassador Program today to share your story like Alex.